Filters of Life is a short documentary film created in The Representation Project’s 2020 Youth Media Academy. Living in a two-bedroom home with two different families, filmmaker Angelica R. embarks on a path to understanding family dynamics, vulnerability, and personhood. This film documents that journey as well as what she discovers along the way.
Film Festival Acceptances: Reel Girls Film Festival 2021 (Audience Choice Award), Open Mind Film Festival (Nominee), AudPop Challenge, Love Wins Film Festival, Bright Ideas Film Festival, Rochester Independent Global Film Festival, San Diego Latino Film Festival 2021, Youth Advisory Council’s first Flip the Script film festival, SBVC International Student Film Fest, Life Screenings International Short Film Festival, Miami Independent Film Festival, Cine Las Americas Film Festival, #AmLatino Film Festival, Prestige Film Festival, Great Plains Film Festival, Montana International Film Festival, All American High School Film Festival, SonderBlu Film Festival, Creators Film Festival, Skiptown Playhouse International Film Festival
Film Festival Nominations & Awards:
- Reel Girls Film Festival – Audience Choice Award
- Open Mind Film Festival – Best Short Film Nominee
Question for discussion following the viewing:
- In what ways does your family impact you? Do you see patterns of behavior that you want to repeat? Do you see patterns of behavior that you want to break?
- What do you know about toxicity? Can you identify the signs of toxicity in your household?
- Does your family approve of the person you are; do they respect your decisions and opinions?
- Do you seek approval, attention, or affirmation in your household?
- Think about the role that you play in your family. In what ways do your actions affect other members in your family? In what ways do their actions affect you?
- Have you ever isolated yourself or suffered from mental issues?
Feeling Inspired? Please consider selecting at least one of the following to bring about positive change of our society.
Calls to Action for: Filters of Life
* Take this quiz to find out if your family is dysfunctional or healthy.
* Choose people who choose you. Remove yourself from people who make you feel like you’re hard to love.
* Put yourself first. Practice self love. Buy something for yourself, have a positive mindset, stop comparing yourself, surround yourself with people who love and encourage you, find a hobby, embrace the things that you love, try new things, step out of your comfort zone and change something about yourself.
* Decide what your future holds. Make a plan, reach your goals in small steps, set resolutions, think realistically, be patient, and take a couple of healthy risks.
* Don’t live under your own shadow. Talk to someone you trust and feel comfortable with.
#FiltersofLife #LoveMyself #SelfLove #Change #MentalHealth #Positivity #MyLife #Embrace #Future #MyIdentity #YoungContentCreator #YMA2020