Black Till It’s Backwards is a short documentary film created in The Representation Project’s 2020 Youth Media Academy. This short film is a visual piece set to poetry written by filmmaker TreNisha S. The dizzying and lyrical effects of the visuals invite the viewer to meditate on the content of the poetry and question—what would you like to see changed in this world, and how will you begin to take steps to make that happen?
Film Festival Acceptances: Bill Johnson Black Film Festival, SonderBlu Film Festival, Dances with Films
Questions for discussion following the viewing:
- What do you initially think of when you hear “free him/her till it’s backwards”? Why?
- What does it mean to be free? Captured? Has the Black Lives Matter Movement changed your understanding of what it means to be either free or captured?
- Who do you think “they” represents in this poem? Why?
- What is your dream for the world? Why?
- What would you like to see changed in this world? How will you begin to take steps to make that happen?
Feeling Inspired? Please consider selecting at least one of the following to bring about positive change in our society.
Calls to Action for Black Till It’s Backwards:
* Be a friend to those around you. You never know what people are going through, so make sure to be a reliable person in others’ lives. Make sure they feel free to be themselves around you.
* Don’t be afraid to speak up. If you see/know people who are being treated unfairly, don’t be afraid to stand up and say something about it. Let it be known that it’s wrong.
* Recognize the importance of and support black lives. Especially in recent events, black people specifically have Recognize the importance of and support black lives. Especially in recent events, black people specifically have been targeted. It’s important to pay attention to the things going on, reflect on how you choose to live your own life, and take the steps necessary to make your home, your community, and the world a better place.
#BlackTillItsBackwards #BlackLivesMatter #MakingAChange #SpeakUp #BeKind #SupportOthers #YouthContentCreators #YMA2020