Two Girls vs. Their Misogynistic School District is a short documentary film created in The Representation Project’s 2020 Youth Media Academy. This film follows two high school students engaging with activism as they take on their school district’s inherently biased dress code.
Film Festival Acceptances: Bright Ideas Film Festival, 2021 Davis Feminist Film Festival, Newark IFF Youth Festival, SonderBlu Film Festival
Questions for discussion following the viewing:
- Why is it important to hold your school district accountable for its actions?
- Have you ever felt unsafe or noticed someone feel unsafe on your school campus?
- Why is it important to attend your school district Board meetings
- Why is it important that the youth has representation and is involved in decision-making?
- How can we ensure that the role of youth is remembered in decisions that directly affect them?
- Why is it important to allow the youth to speak on youth issues?
Feeling inspired? Please consider selecting at least one of the following to bring about positive change in our society.
Calls to Action for Two Girls and Their Misogynistic School District
- Attend Board meetings in your school district to stay up to date on policies and decisions being made that affect you and others.
- Encourage your peers or students to attend Board meetings for a larger turnout. This will show that many students care and want to make a difference.
- Start a campaign. Campaigns are the best way to create the change you want to see in the world.
- Ask your Principal to send out a climate survey quarterly to see how your students and peers feel. This will allow you to see what areas need the most help in your school district.
- Join organizations that will support your work and provide insight on how to go about change.
- Start a Club at your school for activism on campus. The club would entail recognizing issues and finding ways to solve them.
#SaferEnvironmentAtSchools #MoreThanADistraction #SaferSchoolsNow
#YouthActivist #YouthVoices #YouthRepresentation #StudentStruggles #YouthContentCreators #YMA2020