The Bridge

Next Gen Student Films

The Bridge

A group of people walks across a cable-stayed bridge during sunset, with the sun visible and reflecting off the water in the background. The scene, reminiscent of a poignant documentary, features prominently the cables creating diagonal lines across the sky.

The Bridge is a short documentary film created in The Representation Project’s 2021 Youth Media Academy. In one Eastern Washington city, there is a long history of segregation. Through the decades, the Tri-Cities has existed as a farm region, a plutonium producer for WWII, and a sundown town dubbed the “Birmingham of Washington” by the NAACP. While racial segregation is no longer overt, today, it silently separates the odd amalgamation of Ph.D. scientists, migrant farmworkers, and white nationalists in the region. By exploring her city’s history, one woman gains a further understanding of identity by piecing together the messy history before her.

Film Festival Acceptances: Impact Forum – ESG Film Festival, San Luis Obispo International Film Festival Filmmakers of Tomorrow, RocDocFest, Davis Feminist Film Festival, Arlington International Film Festival

Film Festival Nominations & Awards:

  • Arlington International Film Festival – Best Historical Documentary


Questions for discussion following the viewing:

  1. How has segregation shaped your hometown?
  2. Are people willing to talk about race in your community?
  3. What is your role in your community’s social justice ecosystem?

Feeling Inspired? Please consider selecting at least one of the following to bring about positive change in our society.

Calls to Action for The Bridge

* Make an effort to learn about your city’s history. Be intersectional in those efforts.

* Talk to the elders in your community and record their memories.

*  Join a coalition with structures set in place (donors-to-donees) to redistribute wealth towards lower-income POC families who struggle to meet ever-rising rent prices.

* Initiate conversations with friends, families, coworkers, students, and educators about the history of your community.

#KnowYourHistory #DiversifyYourPerspectives #EducateThenACT #YMA2021