The Air I Breathe is a short documentary film created in The Representation Project’s 2020 Youth Media Academy. Wilmington, California, is one of the most polluted cities in the United States. In this short documentary, the filmmaker explores our relationship to our natural environment and makes a plea to stop polluting the air we breathe.
Film Festival Acceptances: Youth Advisory Council’s first Flip the Script film festival, Central Illinois Feminist Film Fest, Miami Independent Film Festival
Questions for discussion following the viewing:
- Have you or your family members been affected by any aspects of climate change?
- Do you know of anyone who struggles with asthma or other respiratory issues?
- Which companies are the major contributors to air pollution in your community?
- Consider the quote by Tristan Picotte of the Cheyenne River Sioux: “By caring for Mother Earth, we ensure that we, and future generations, can live off the land.” What steps can you and your classmates take to make this quote a reality?
- What are some ways that you could educate your family or community about all of the unintended consequences of poor air quality?
Feeling Inspired? Please consider selecting at least one of the following to bring about positive change in our society.
Calls to Action for The Air I Breathe
* Move from being a bystander to an upstander. Highlight the impact of climate change on you and your community.
* Hold companies accountable when they violate air quality standards.
* Take steps to plant more trees in your neighborhood or in your community.
* Host a small group discussion with an elected official to voice your concerns and proposed solutions for air quality and other environmental issues. Develop a plan to implement action.
#TheAirIBreathe #EndPollution #ImproveAirQuality #YouthContentCreator #YMA2020