Papa is a short documentary film created in The Representation Project’s 2021 Youth Media Academy. In Eureka, California, a mother takes care of her father, who is living with dementia. During her short visit, She brings food and reminders to take his medicine, as well as medical documents. Tough times and difficult conversations are approached with care and compassion throughout this short film.
Film Festival Acceptances: Bright Ideas Film Festival, Home Is Distant Shores Film Festival, Dirigo International Student Film Festival, RocDocFest
Film Festival Nominations & Awards:
- Dirigo International Student Film Festival – The Young Filmmakers Award

Questions for discussion following the viewing:
- Have you discussed long-term health care plans with your family?
- Has dementia impacted your life at all? Do you know of anyone with dementia or other diseases that cause memory loss and confusion?
- How does caring for aging parents vary from culture to culture? What are the different cultural expectations?
- Are there certain foods that become a point of connection between generations in your family?
- In what ways have you taken steps to learn from the elders in your family or your community about their history?
Feeling Inspired? Please consider selecting at least one of the following to bring about positive change in our society.
Calls to Action for Papa
* Educate yourself about different types of dementia and research ways to reduce the risk of dementia.
* Visit the Alzheimer’s Association website to learn more.
* Cherish the time you have with everyone, regardless of their health status, and record the history they share
* Make a plan for caring for your parents and make sure all parties are in agreement.
#Papa #CaringForAgingParents #Dementia #MemoryLoss #Care #Understanding #Health #Healthcare#YouthContentCreator #YMA2021