Mama is a short documentary film created in The Representation Project’s 2020 Youth Media Academy. The tragic deaths of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and George Floyd have rocked the nation and left three mothers without their children. Children they carried for nine months—their own flesh, blood, and love. Hear from three mothers, Arkesha, Samantha, and Whitney, who share their hopes and fears for their children and how they navigate raising and preparing their children for the challenges and threats of growing up black in America.
Film Festival Acceptances: Killeen Black Art & Film Festival (KBAFF) (Short Documentary Film Award), SBVC International Student Film Fest (Best Director Nominee), Youth Advisory Council’s first Flip the Script film festival, All American High School Film Festival, Reel Doc Fest film festival, LA Rocks, SonderBlu Film Festival, Los Angeles Student Film Festival, Baltimore International Black Film Festival, Urban Mediamakers Festival (Best High School Students and Teen Filmmakers – Finalist), Gary International Black Film Festival, The Cecil County Independent Film Festival, North Dakota Human Rights Film Festival
Film Festival Nominations & Awards:
- Killeen Black Art & Film Festival – Best Short Documentary Film Award
- SBVC International Student Film Fest – Best Director Nominee
- Urban Mediamakers Festival – Best High School Students and Teen Filmmakers – Finalist
Questions for discussion following the viewing:
- Have you had any experiences with racism, like those discussed in the film?
- Please share what a parent or guardian has guided you to do if you were ever stopped by a police officer?
- If you haven’t had any experiences with racism, can you walk through a store unfollowed? Can you drive without fear of being pulled over because of the color of your skin? Can you wear your favorite color without being linked to gang activity? Have you ever taken your privilege for granted?
- How is hearing the mother’s perspective in this film different from what is shown by the media?
- Do you believe racism is based on nature or nurture? Why or why not?
Feeling Inspired? Please consider selecting at least one of the following to bring about positive change in our society.
Calls to Action for MAMA
* Talk with the mother figures in your life. What fears and concerns do they have for the young people in their lives? What are the similarities and what are the differences? Does race impact any of the responses?
* Organize a school meeting to discuss policies that target specific populations on campus.
* Encourage parents of color to run for school boards to disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline.
* Encourage people of color to run for city council, local boards, and other entities to strengthen their voice and their presence in all communities
#Mama #8:47 #BLM #George Floyd #ArrestkillersofBreonnaTaylor #TamirRice #GenZ #MyKidsMatter #EndRacism #YouthContentCreator #YMA2020