In a historic victory for women’s rights and online activists everywhere, Facebook announced yesterday – in response to the massive #FBrape social media campaign – that it would revamp its hate speech policy to better monitor images and messages of violence against women. Over 60,000 tweets and 5,000 emails were sent to the world’s largest social network – and its advertisers – demanding this week that they take a stand again gender-based hate speech on the site.
Not only did Facebook acknowledge their prior failures, but in this message posted to the site on Tuesday they committed to including a coalition of women’s groups in all future decisions around hate speech. They have effectively answered all the demands proposed in the open letter we co-signed last week alongside over 100 organizations worldwide. is proud to have supported this amazing campaign led by Women, Action & the Media, The Everyday Sexism Project and Soraya Chemaly. It’s a thrilling and inspiring example of what we are capable of when we come together to fight sexism and misogyny online.
Read more here.