Here are the highlights from our social media coverage this week:
-“Beauty isn’t between a size 0 and a size 8. It is not a number at all. It is not physical.” – The Ellen DeGeneres Show critiques comments made by Abercrombie CEO Mike Jeffries
-Slate’s Jessica Grose discusses our “Creepy Obsession with Celebrity Pregnancies.”
–Miss Representation is proud to join Soraya Chemaly, Women, Action & the Media and The Everyday Sexism Project in signing this open letter to Facebook:
“We, the undersigned, are writing to demand swift, comprehensive and effective action addressing the representation of rape and domestic violence on Facebook…To this end, we are calling on Facebook users to contact advertisers whose ads on Facebook appear next to content that targets women for violence, to ask these companies to withdraw from advertising on Facebook until you take the above actions to ban gender-based hate speech on your site.”
-“Yes, women make up half the population. And sometimes we like pink things. But more often than not, we don’t want what you think we want.” – BuzzFeed rounds up 16 products ridiculously marketed to women.
-Brave writer and co-director Brenda Chapman speaks out about why the fight to cancel Merida’s sexy makeover matters on A Mighty Girl.