by Imran Siddiquee
Over at the New York Times they’ve put together these fascinating word charts around both conventions this year:
The top five words used by Republicans and Democrats at their respective conventions have been surprisingly similar thus far (maybe not that surprising). In fact, 4 of the 5 words are exactly the same.
Romney, Obama, “work” and “jobs” are dominating the content of the speeches given by both parties so far.
So where’s the major difference? The Republicans spent much more time last week talking about “business,” than the Democrats have this week (237 mentions vs. 104, with one more day to go). Meanwhile the Democrats have spent significantly more time talking about women.
Democratic speakers haven’t just been female more often, they’ve mentioned “women” three times as often in the first 2 days as the Republicans did over the course of their entire convention last week (213 vs 59).
As much as the Republicans tried to appeal to women voters at this year’s convention, the Democrats seem to be trying harder.
Written by Imran Siddiquee at Follow him on Twitter @imransiddiquee