What Does A Moustache Have To Do With Men’s Mental Health?

This November marks the twelfth annual Movember, a month-long campaign where participants grow moustaches to raise awareness of and funds for men’s health issues. As we explored in The Mask You Live In, men are less likely to seek help for all sorts of problems, including depression, addiction, and stress, and the consequences are dire. Worldwide, a man commits suicide every minute and suicide is the third leading cause of death for American boys. Yet media, policymakers, and even healthcare providers often overlook issues of men’s health.

That’s why this week, we encourage you to challenge this stigma and talk about men’s health with someone you know (check out these resources to get started). Together, we can overcome harmful stereotypes, so that everyone can live a full, healthy life.

Jennifer Siebel Newsom & The Representation Project team

#AskHerMore at the Democratic Debate on Saturday
Thanks for joining us at last night’s Republican debate. We’ll see you on Saturday at 9pm E.T. for the Democratic debate streaming on CBS. Together, let’s ensure we’re asking substantive questions and challenging sexist media coverage. Learn more and join us!

From Around the Web

“CollegeHumor made a hilarious but powerful video about sexual assault awareness by comparing the statistic to bear killings — what if bears killed one in five people? Would we shrug and say ‘bears will be bears’?” – PopSugar

  • ATTN: This Instagram Star Is Calling B.S. On the Industry That Made Her Famous”
  • The Guardian: “I Thought I Knew What It Meant to Be a Man – Then I Transitioned into One”
  • The Huffington Post: “Canada’s New Prime Minister Explains Importance Of Gender Parity With 3-Word Answer”
  • The Mary Sue: “When Feminism Becomes a Marketing Tool”
  • Stanford University: “A Film Explores What It Means to Be a Man”
  • Vice: “How Adele’s ‘Rolling Stone’ Cover Destroys The Male Gaze”


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Quantico actress, Priyanka Chopra, via The Representation Project’s Instagram