2015 was the year that masculinity became a global topic of conversation. It started in January when audiences packed houses at the Sundance Film Festival to see The Mask You Live In. Then teachers and educators across the world lined up to use the film and curricula to enhance their students’ social-emotional learning. And you took the conversation to your friends, family, and workplace. Thank you!
[button url=”https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?hashtags=Unmasked%2C&original_referer=https%3A%2F%2Fabout.twitter.com%2Fresources%2Fbuttons&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&text=What%20did%20it%20mean%20to%20%22Be%20a%20Man%22%20in%202015%3F%20Find%20out%20with%20%40TheRepProject%27s%20video&tw_p=tweetbutton&url=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FTheRepProjectUnmasked” text=”SHARE THIS VIDEO” align=”center” new_tab=”yes”]
To help you further the conversation, this year we focused our fourth annual video retrospective on the state of masculinity. Check out “What did it mean to ‘be a man’ in 2015?” above and share it with your network. Together, we will challenge and overcome limiting stereotypes so that everyone can be their true selves and fulfill their human potential.
Jennifer Siebel Newsom & The Representation Project team
PS Like videos like these? Support The Representation Project in your year-end giving to make sure we continue to create these valuable resources.
The Mask You Live In in New Orleans
Have you heard about the different ways that you can use The Mask You Live In and Miss Representation at a K-12 school? With a public performance rights license, educators can use the films and curricula in their classrooms, for staff training, in workshops with sports teams, and at parent education events. Learn more about how a school in New Orleans used the films and consider donating the curricula to your community today!
From Around the Web
You made your voice heard! CNN removed its racist portrayal of Freddie Gray – Learn more: The Representation Project, Storify
- BuzzFeed: All The Items Of Clothing Women Have Been Told Not To Wear In 2015
- Flavorwire: Stop Blaming ‘Male Feminism’ for James Deen’s Downfall
- The Mary Sue: People Complaining That The Wiz Has An All-Black Cast Know Nothing About Musical Theatre
- Mother Jones: Military Opens All Combat Jobs to Women
- Slate: Amy Schumer and Serena Williams’ Nude Photoshoot Is a Big Middle Finger to Trolls
Via The Mask You Live In Instagram