Thank You Aaron Rodgers For Speaking Out Against Prejudice

Imagine a world in which all of our children grow up being told these messages:

You are essential. Your acceptance is unconditional. You are limitless.

Not just by their parents and loved ones – but by their peers, their heroes, and the media, too. What if they didn’t just hear them, but they believed them, as well? The possibilities are almost unimaginable. . . Almost. Because when you get down to it, this is the vision that The Representation Project is working toward. This is the North Star we are shooting to achieve.

It just so happens that these statements describe you, too. Your support of, your involvement in, and your commitment to The Representation Project are what make this social change nonprofit so much more than an organization. Together, we’ve become a community. Together, we’ve built a movement. Together – and only together – we are able to change culture and challenge stereotypes so that everyone can reach their full potential.

Thank you. This Thanksgiving we’re giving thanks to you because we truly cannot do it without you. We hope you pass on the spirit of gratitude and thank those who have helped you along your journey.

Jennifer Siebel Newsom & The Representation Project team

Remember Us This #GivingTuesday
On #GivingTuesday, December 1, we hope you will support The Representation Project. With your donation, we can continue to expand our education programs and campaigns to reach more voices, more schools, and more communities around the world.

From Around The Web
“Dev, Arnold, and the other men of Master of None aren’t one-dimensional archetypes fitting into some kind of Alpha-male or Beta-male dichotomy. They’re fully developed characters who have bigger things to worry about.”
– via Bustle

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Aaron Rodgers speaks out against anti-Muslim rhetoric
via The Mask You Live In‘s Instagram