How can men in Hollywood and beyond respond to the #MeToo movement? How can they express their support and solidarity with #TimesUp? How can the Oscars help serve as a cultural tipping point away from the status quo?
For the last four years, The Representation Project has used #AskHerMore on the red carpet to spotlight how our culture values women’s appearance over their accomplishments. This year we’re using #AskMoreOfHim to encourage men to be powerful voices for change within male culture while highlighting the existing anti-sexist men’s work in the U.S. and around the world. Let this version of male leadership become the new normal.

#AskMoreOfHim launches today with an open letter signed by leading men in entertainment and activism, a corresponding op-ed, and social media. But it’s is more than those things, it’s the next step in the movement towards equality. That’s why we’re asking you to join us at the Oscars this Sunday (3:30 PT / 6:30 ET) to invite the men of Hollywood and beyond to leverage their platform for good. Together we can change the culture of Hollywood and beyond by connecting men of all stripes with the resources they need to become better allies and partners for women’s equality.
Jennifer Siebel Newsom & The Representation Project Team