For the past two years, we have asked red carpet reporters to go beyond appearance and #AskHerMore. After all, awards shows have historically been one of the places where the media sends the message that a woman’s value lies solely in her youth, beauty, and sexuality – no matter what else she has accomplished.
Thanks to you, we’ve disrupted that narrative. But Hollywood still has a long way to go. Last week, for example, a study reaffirmed that female actors are much more likely to be nude on screen and they are less likely to speak than their male counterparts. The idea that women should be “seen but not heard” is unacceptable and sexist. Please join us this Sunday for the 68th Primetime Emmy Awards and help us push back against challenge these damaging narratives.
To get you started, we’ve made this handy guide of pre-fabbed #AskHerMore tweets with fun facts about the actresses, presenters, and performers. So pull it up this Sunday at 5:30 p.m. ET / 2:30 p.m. PT and tweet with us in response to ABC’s and E!’s live red carpet coverage. Together, we’ll continue to encourage and celebrate reporters who value women and girls for more than their appearance and who celebrate women’s full humanity.
Jennifer Siebel Newsom & The Representation Project Team
Representation Around the Web

“A photo of a father and son relaxing together is still stoking a debate about masculinity months after it was originally posted. Facebook user Eric Owens posted photos of himself and his son resting side-by-side throughout the years. In every photo shown in the post, which has more than 24,000 likes and hundreds of shares, the son is under the father’s arm.”– ATTN
- Buzzfeed: Historic Bill of Rights for Survivors of Sexual Assault Is Heading to Obama’s Desk
- Buzzfeed: 17 Guys Who Don’t Give a Crap about Gendered Style Rules
- Huffington Post: This Is What Happens When You Mansplain Physics to a Female Astronaut
- Mashable: This Striking Photo Series Celebrates the Beauty of Body Diversity
- NPR: A Silent Epidemic: The Mental Health Crisis In Our Schools
- Upworthy: Watch Men Read Their Old Suicide Notes in a Gut-Wrenching PSA about Getting Help
Hillary Clinton discusses sexism with Humans of New York.
Read the full story on Miss Representation’s Instagram