Since 2012, the Miss Representation educational curriculum has reached thousands of students in over a dozen countries. This week, we are excited to announce our “Curriculum 2.0”. This launch represents a significant update in terms of content and design. To order the curriculum & DVD for your school or give it as a gift to an educator (designate the school name during your purchase) please click here.
The updated curriculum reflects the latest thinking on how kids learn, especially around complex issues like representation and identity. A few examples:
Multi-modal: Our curriculum now includes students writing poetry, making their own short films, and even creating stop-motion animation. Additionally, the material fully integrates the important work we’re doing on social media vis a vis our #NotBuyingIt, #AskHerMore, and #MediaWeLike campaigns.
STEAM: Adding ”A “ for arts to the STEM acronym (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math), our curriculum incorporates the use of digital technology, letting students create more positive and empowering representations of women and girls. Using digital technologies to influence gender and racial identities is a powerful lens to bring students.
Maker-inspired: Building on the Maker Movement, we’ve brought its spirit to the exercises and activities incorporated in every lesson.
Learn more at our Curriculum Overview.