Here’s the highlights from this weeks media coverage:
-“What I think is so great about deliberately and defiantly going gray — and I’m not talking this granny chic business, I’m talking letting your natural color grow in — is that it allows for more interpretations of powerful femininity. Aging is often hidden and marginalized in our society, it’s thrilling to see women embracing a hair color and style that some consider undesirable because of its implications about age and sexuality.” – via Jezebel
-“The evidence is clear, as is the message: when women do better, economies do better” – Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, speaking at the World Economic Forum, where only 17% of the 2,630 participants were women. (Buzzfeed)
-Check out our #NotBuyingIt Superbowl Tool Kit!
-“As you look at the posters below, ask yourself: Who looks like the star/ leader/ protagonist of this movie? What would this poster look like if the positions, number of male characters, and title references were switched to female characters? Why are females, half of the kid population, presented as a minority in children’s films? Why is the imaginary world, a place where anything should be possible, sexist at all?” – Reel Girl studies the posters of 21 children’s movies being released this year