Here are the most popular posts from our Facebook page this week:
“Hipster Sexism flatters us by letting us feel like we are beyond low-level, obvious humiliation of women and now we can enjoy snickering at it…But have we really reached this stage of enlightened irony? We think we’re over sexism yet our ironic expressions of it can only reinforce the basic problem, which is that women are paid less and (degradingly) sexualized against their will far more than men.”
–New York Magazine tackles “Hipster Sexism” and how it often escapes unnoticed.
-Diablo Cody discusses directing a film while pregnant on Indiewire.
-A Brooklyn teen is determined to become the first female African-American chess master, as covered by The Mary Sue.
-Writer Lindy West gives advice on how to react when the Internet calls you fat, featured on UpWorthy.