For many of us, football season is over, but for the NFL, the off-season is just getting started. This is the time of year when NFL teams are working with their front offices, their players, and their coaching staff to develop annual training calendars for their entire organizations. That’s why this month, The Representation Project and Futures Without Violence launched our #BeAModelMan campaign, encouraging the NFL to step up and help create positive role models on and off the field.
Thanks to you, the NFL is starting to listen! Now, we need your support to make sure they do more than just listen and take serious action. Let’s ensure that all sports teams are conscious of their role in shaping gender norms, creating role models, and supporting the whole self. Let’s challenge stereotypes and encourage everyone to reach their full human potential. With your donation to The Representation Project, we will hold teams accountable and provide resources for them to help create a healthier culture for all. But we can’t do it without your support! Please donate today. Thank you, in advance for making this work possible!
Jennifer Siebel Newsom & The Representation Project team
P.S. Learn more about and join the #BeAModelMan campaign.
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