This year is winding down and we are excited to turn our attention to 2016. With your generous contribution, it will be the year that The Representation Project:
- Challenges new industries, like sports and public health, to further the global conversation around healthy masculinity and its impact on us all, starting with our hometown hosting of Super Bowl 50.
- Disrupts sexist reporting in politics and beyond using the hashtag #AskHerMore to call out biased coverage of female leaders and get past questions of appearance, families, and their ability to “handle it all.”
- Supports and mobilizes youth globally as change agents, leaders, and media makers to fight limiting stereotypes and change the narrative around gender, culminating at our inaugural Youth Summit this summer.
Our success will mean a world free of gender stereotypes and social injustices. It is an audacious vision, but an essential one. And with your investment, we know that we can get there, which is why we are asking you to make a generous, tax-deductible donation to The Representation Project today.
Thank you, in advance, for investing in our work. Together, we will we create a world where everyone can fulfill their human potential.
Jennifer Siebel Newsom & The Representation Project team
#AskHerMore Tonight and Saturday at the Presidential Debates

And put a spot in your calendar for Saturday December 19th at 8:00 pm E.T. to tweet the Democratic Debate with us. Together, we can ensure reporters and thought leaders #AskHerMore in politics and beyond!
From Around The Web
“We see one-dimensional portrayals of men, encouraging them to value economic success, sexual conquest, physical aggression, and dominance as top traits. We need to break these archaic gender stereotypes for men — just as we need to continue to do with women — to encourage everyone to be human beings instead of gender stereotypes. ” – Jennifer Siebel Newsom, via Yahoo
- Bustle: “What Did It Mean To Be A Man In 2015?” By The Representation Project Will Change The Way You Look At Masculinity — VIDEO
- Cosmopolitan: This Video Will Tell You Everything You Need To Know About The Guys You Date
- Huffington Post: This Is What It Meant To “Be A Man” In 2015
- Huffington Post: 48 Things Women Hear In A Lifetime (That Men Just Don’t)
- Metro: Eye-Opening Video Shows What It Meant To ‘Be A Man’ in 2015
- MTV: Did Men Become Less Terrible In 2015?
- Think Progress: Hey Justin Bieber, Asking Your 48 Million Followers To Find An Underage Girl On Instagram Is Not Romantic
- TIME: This Video Shows What It Means to Be a Man in 2015
- Quartz: A Man Kills Himself Every 13 Minutes In The US And We Still Don’t Know How To Talk About It
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