Here are the most popular links from our social media coverage this week:
“I think, in general, the female audience is a massive one, and actually it’s one that’s rarely really tapped into. Everybody is after that very famous and rather elusive demographic of men, age 18-24. Well, actually, I’m not in that demographic and I want to see women who are complex and strange and people who I can relate to and be terrified of and want to be and all the rest of it.”
-Keira Knightley discusses Hollywood’s underestimation of the female audience on the Huffington Post.
-On Wednesday the UN declared birth control a universal right, not a privilege. (Buzzfeed)
–The New York Times wrote about a Swedish preschool that de-emphasizes gender, referring to all its students as “friends” instead of using gender pronouns.
-“When women are shown pictures of other women with a range of body sizes, the study participants quickly start to get more comfortable with the varying sizes. Of course, the implication is, that if we we’re shown a more diverse arrays of body sizes on TV, movies, billboards, advertising, etc., we’d probably just be a lot more okay with the fact that bodies come in all shapes and sizes.” – Jezebel
–UpWorthy featured a video of a female engineer named Debbie who is starting a toy company named “Goldieblox” to encourage girls to enter the field. Her toy includes a book with stories and a building set so that the children can fix problems that arise themselves with engineering as they read.