The artificial intelligence (AI) industry has been growing rapidly over the past few years, innovating in sectors ranging from finance to healthcare. As the industry continues to expand, the underrepresentation of women in key roles remains a significant concern. Without diversity in positions of power, the same issues documented in previous technological advancements—such as the weaponization of technology to degrade women—will persist. As Women in AI Month comes to a close, we want to highlight a few organizations who are advancing gender equity in AI.
- <A+> Alliance is a coalition created for and by women/girls “prototyping the future of artificial intelligence and automated decision making to accelerate gender equality with technology and innovation.” Their website features a series of resources to explore including research, recorded webinars, and a global directory.
- Women in AI Ethics (WAIE) launched in 2018 with their first annual 100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics list. Since then, the organization has expanded to also offer free AI literacy classes and regular webinars with experts in the industry.
- Women at the Table is working to ensure that women and other historically excluded groups are involved in creating new technologies. The think tank’s mission is to “forge technology that eradicates bias and elevates gender equity.” Their advocacy highlights the potential for AI to advance gender equity.
- is a non-profit that empowers women to build careers in AI. Their network offers valuable opportunities for growth and has a new initiative on the way to get girls involved as well.
- Women in AI (WAI) describes itself as a “non-profit do-tank working towards inclusive AI that benefits global society.” The “do-tank” originally started as a small Facebook group that has grown into a community of over 8,000 members. WAI supports underrepresented groups as experts, innovators, and leaders in the industry.
Take Action! Organize opportunities for the girls in your community to learn about STEM and AI as potential career paths.