Old School: Tools to uncover and dismantling fatphobia (datasets, educational lesson plans, workshops, community organizing lessons)


  1. You Have the Right to Remain Fat – Virgie Tovar 
  2. Fat Activism: A Radical Social Movement – Charlotte Cooper (outlines the history of the fat activism movement) 
  3. The (other) F Word: A Celebration of the Fat and Fierce (anthology style YA) 
  4. The Body is Not an Apology: The Power of Radical Self-Love – Sonya Renee Taylor
  5. The Fat Studies Reader – Edited by Esther Rothblum, Sondra Solovay, & Marilyn Wann (collection of fifty-three amazing academic essays)
  6. Fat Activism: A Radical Social Movement – Dr. Charlotte Cooper
  7. What We Don’t Talk About When We Talk About Fat by Aubrey Gordon
  8. Fearing the Black Body: The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia by Sabrina Strings
  9. Happy Fat: Taking Up Space in a World That Wants to Shrink You by Sofie Hagen 


  1. The Fat Doctor [Dr Natasha Larmie] https://www.fatdoctor.co.uk  – blog 
  2. Having a Better Body Image Won’t End Body-Based Oppression https://www.self.com/story/body-neutrality 
  3. Seminar Series: Body Positivity https://www.onewomanproject.org/blog/category/Seminar+Series 
  4. It’s Time #BodyPositivity Got an Intervention https://www.healthline.com/health/beauty-skin-care/body-positivity-origins#1 
  5. Forget Body Positivity: How About Body Neutrality? https://www.thecut.com/2017/03/forget-body-positivity-how-about-body-neutrality.html 
  6. Body Neutrality: A New Way to Relate to Our Bodies https://columbuspark.com/2017/03/14/body-neutrality-a-new-way-to-relate-to-our-bodies/
  7. Charlotte Cooper http://charlottecooper.net/fat/fat-research/a-queer-and-trans-fat-activist-timeline/
  8. Sonya Renee Taylor https://thebodyisnotanapology.com
  9. The Black History of the Body Positive Movement, Briana Dominici https://zenerations.wordpress.com/2020/08/21/the-black-history-of-the-body-positive-movement/ 
  10. The Bizarre and Racist History of the BMI, Your Fat Friend https://elemental.medium.com/the-bizarre-and-racist-history-of-the-bmi-7d8dc2aa33bb 
  11. Unpacking and Reclaiming the Word “Fat,” Chloe Papas https://www.abc.net.au/everyday/unpacking-and-reclaiming-the-word-fat/11726100 
  12. Skinny Shaming is Not the Same as Fat Phobia, Melissa A. Fabello https://www.self.com/story/skinny-shaming-is-not-the-same-as-fat-phobia 



  1. Virgie Tovar https://www.virgietovar.com 
  2. Dr. Charlotte Cooper Fat Research – Dr Charlotte Coopercharlottecooper.net › fat › fat-research
  3. Da’Shaun Harrison https://dashaunharrison.com 
  4. Victoria Abraham – @fatfabfeminist on Instagram/Tiktok/Twitter (not technically a speaker, but a growing activist across multiple platforms)


  1. Virgie Tovcar Tells Us The Difference Between Body Positivity and Fat Activism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_OoS_hgXfQ 
  2. Madison A. Krall “Let’s Talk About Fat Bias and Thin Privilege” (TEDx Mile High)
  3. Becca Cooper Too Big
  4. Kath Reid Fat Pride & Fat Acceptance
  5. This is What a Fat Activist Does
  6. (Series) Busting Out: Fat Lib & PIC Abolition – Fat Rose 


  1. Fat Lib Ink / Fat Rose – https://fatrose.org/ 


  1. Rebel Eaters Club – Virgie Tovar
  2. She’s All Fat – Sophie Carter-Kahn
  3. More Than Tracy Turblad – Abby Rose Morris
  4. The Fat Lip: A Fat Liberation Podcast – http://thefatlip.com/ 
  5. Peach, Please – Katie Winnen
  6. Maintenance Phase – Aubrey Gordon & Michael Hobbes


  1. Weight Isn’t The Problem With COVID-19. How We Talk About It Is. (Christine Byrne 2020)
  2. Posting Jokes and Memes About Weight Gain During COVID-19 Is Not OK (De Elizabeth 2020) 
  3. Towards A Radical Body Positive: Reading The Online Body Positive Movement – Alexandra Sastre (2016) 
  4. Lawrence, Kara A. “The Fat Agenda: An Analysis of Fatphobia, Race, Gender, Sexuality and Black Womanhood.” (2019). 
  5. Pausé, Cat, George Parker, and Lesley Gray. “Resisting the problematisation of fatness in COVID-19: In pursuit of health justice.” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (2021): 102021.
  6. Kooistra, Emma J., et al. “A higher BMI is not associated with a different immune response and disease course in critically ill COVID-19 patients.” International Journal of Obesity (2021): 1-8.