Two people washing and drying dishes.

Inspired by the themes of Fair Play, our #NoAskTask campaign aims to confront inequality in the home and encourage individuals to take full ownership of their household responsibilities.

What is the #NoAskTask? It’s a household responsibility that belongs fully to an individual and doesn’t require prompting or oversight to complete. Women remain the primary caretakers in US society, despite the fact that today, most women also work outside the home in the paid labor force. The #NoAskTask encourages men to take on more domestic responsibilities–the first step to achieving equality at home.

To learn more watch Fair Play.

The "No Ask Task" definition: A household responsibility that belongs to an individual and does not require prompting or oversight to complete
Care work is essential, listed 10 times in a gradient

Share Your #NoAskTask Story

Tell us your journey to equitably divide labor in your household and its impact on your life. Did you find more time to pursue a passion? Did you reconnect with members of your household? Did you use specific tools throughout your journey? Let us know!

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